Rehber - v6.61c
- Affiliation: Scourge
- Attack Animation: 0.4 / 0.5
- Damage: 44 - 50
- Casting Animation: 0.2 / 0.51
- Armor: 4.6
- Base Attack Time: 1.7
- Movespeed: 315
- Missile Speed: Instant
- Attack Range: 128 (melee)
- Sight Range: 1800 / 800
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Her level'da her stat icin yuksek kazanci (s/a/i:22/2
+ Spin web ile invisibleHP Regen Movement speed (MS) kazanma
+ Spiderling'ler risksiz creep kill/deny ve kule yikmada rahatlik saglar
+ Insatiable Hunger ve Incapacitating Bite'in kusursuz uyumu ile gang ve kill uyumlulugu
+ Butterfly ile sinerji skill olmasi (Incapacitating Bite)
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Baslangic stat'larinin azligi (s/a/i:18/17/18)
- Baslangicta hp ve mana sikintisi cekmesi
- Insatiable Hunger'in purge ile yok olmasi
- Mid Game ve sonrasinda Item'a bagli gelismesi (item dependant)
The Broodmother injects her young into a targetcreating immense pain. If the target is killed by the injection
spiderlings will be born.
- Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Unit
- Ability Hotkey: W
* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects
* 1
* 75
* 10 seconds
* 700
* N/A
* 0.9 seconds (buff) / 60 seconds (spiderlings)
* Enemy units
* 75 damage1 spiderling
* 2
* 90
* 10 seconds
* 700
* N/A
* 0.9 seconds (buff) / 60 seconds (spiderlings)
* Enemy units
* 150 damage2 spiderlings
* 3
* 105
* 10 seconds
* 700
* N/A
* 0.9 seconds (buff) / 60 seconds (spiderlings)
* Enemy units
* 225 damage3 spiderlings
* 4
* 120
* 10 seconds
* 700
* N/A
* 0.9 seconds (buff) / 60 seconds (spiderlings)
* Enemy units
* 300 damage4 spiderlings
• Damage type: magical
• Units from where the Spiderlings spawn leave no corpse on death.
• Deals no damage to ethereal units.
• If the target is killed within 0.9 seconds of being hit by this skillthe Spiderlings will spawn.
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Kule alirken cok rahatlik saglar
+ Creep kill ve deny icin cok kolaylastiricidir. Auto attack ile tum creepleri kesersiniz
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Kalabaligi seven rakiplere karsi zayif kalir: Ornegin Earth ve Axe'e karsi spiderling'ler tam bir kabusa donusur.
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
Spins a web which grants the Broodmother invisibility in an arearegeneration
as well as a passive speed increase. Regeneration and speed improves per level.
- Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Area
- Ability Hotkey: B
* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects
* 1
* 50
* 90 seconds
* 600
* 370
* Infinite
* Self
* 2 allowed webs+2 HP regeneration per second
and +20% movespeed.
* 2
* 50
* 70 seconds
* 600
* 370
* Infinite
* Self
* 4 allowed webs+4 HP regeneration per second
and +23% movespeed.
* 3
* 50
* 50 seconds
* 600
* 370
* Infinite
* Self
* 6 allowed webs+6 HP regeneration per second
and +26% movespeed.
* 4
* 50
* 30 seconds
* 600
* 370
* Infinite
* Self
* 8 allowed webs+8 HP regeneration per second
and +29% movespeed.
• Has a fade time of 2 seconds.
• Destroys trees in the AoE when placedbut will grow back after the corresponding time (even if the web is still there).
• The web has a sight range of 150during both day and night.
• The web does not prevent neutrals from spawning.
• If more webs are spawned than allowedthe oldest one will disappear.
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Lane'de kasarken HP azalirsa gerekli regen'i saglar. Invis ozelligi ile bu konuda da yardimci olur. Verdigi MS hero kovalarken ise yarayacaktir.
+ Web'in oldugu bolgeyi gormemizi saglar (true sight vermezyani invisleri gostermez sadece o bolgeyi goruruz)
+ Dogru sekilde kullanilirsa rakibi her alanda gang'lemek icin invis saglar. NC gozetleyebilirsiniz. Istediginiz alanda rahatca invis dolasabilirsiniz
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Web'e girince kaybolma suresi kritikdirzaman zaman olmenize yol acar
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar---
? Bu skill'in faydali kullanimi nedir?
+ Arkadaslar oyun basinda aktive ettigimiz bu skill'i gittigimiz lane'de creeplerin kapisacagi yere atin. Gider gitmez web'i koyup cool down bekleyin. Cd gelince digerini atarsiniz. 2 tane web icinde rahatca kasarsiniz. Rakip range olur ve observer alirsa sizin icin kasmak zor olur. Tercihen orta lane'e GITMEYIN. Web'den gelicek regen ve MS hem gang'lardan korunmanizi saglarhem de uzun suren bir oyun basi kasmasi yasarsiniz. Hero item'lara bagimli oldugundan gercekten cok is gorur.
Gives the Broodmother venom which will greatly reduce the target's ability to functionand deal extra damage.
- Ability Type: Passive
- Targeting Type: N/A
- Ability Hotkey: P
* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects
* 1
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* 2 seconds
* Enemy units
* Gives a 10% chance to missslows movement speed by 10%
and adds 2 damage.
* 2
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* 2 seconds
* Enemy units
* Gives a 15% chance to missslows movement speed by 20%
and adds 4 damage.
* 3
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* 2 seconds
* Enemy units
* Gives a 20% chance to missslows movement speed by 30%
and adds 6 damage.
* 4
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* 2 seconds
* Enemy units
* Gives a 25% chance to missslows movement speed by 40%
and adds 8 damage.
• Incapacitating Bite is an Orb Effect.
• The affected enemies' miss chance stacks with evasion and terrain dodge chance.
• You have to use the attackattack-move or patrol commands for this skill to work.
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Diger pasif skiller gibi gayet gucludurmanasiz ozellik kullanilmasini saglar.
+ Slow'u oyundaki en iyi slowlardandir.
+ Miss ozelligi butterfly ile beraber calisir. Bu yuzden butterfly vazgecilmez item'idir.
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
? Orb effect olmasinin etkisi nedir?
- Arkadaslar Brood bu skill'deki orb yuzunden orb tercihi kullanmadigimiz bir hero'dur. Melee oldugumuzdan lifsteal aura kasariz (vladimir offering)
? Skill'deki miss ile butterfly birlesince evasion % kac oluyor?
+ Skill'i fulleyip butterfly yapinca formul soyle olacak:
= 025 + (1-0
25) * 0
3 = 0
25 + 0
75 * 0
3 = 0
25 + 0
225 = % 47
Yani evasion %475 oluyor. Yuvarlak %50. Ancak unutmayin ki bu skill sadece biz rakibe attack ederken calisiyor. Attack etmedigimiz rakip sadece butterfly'in evasion'ini yiyiyor yani %30.
The Broodmother develops a violent thirst for vital fluids. This lust greatly increases her attack damage and gives her a vampiric attack.
- Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: N/A
- Ability Hotkey: T
* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects
* 1
* 100
* 60 seconds
* N/A
* N/A
* 12 seconds
* Self
* 60 bonus damage40% life steal
* 2
* 100
* 45 seconds
* N/A
* N/A
* 12 seconds
* Self
* 80 bonus damage55% life steal
* 3
* 100
* 30 seconds
* N/A
* N/A
* 12 seconds
* Self
* 100 bonus damage70% life steal
• Fully stacks with all items providing Lifesteal (both Orb and aura based).
• Can only be removed by Purge (from DiffusalStone Gaze
Unstable Current or the Satyr Trickster)
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Tek kelimeyle imbalanced (imba-dengesiz) bir skill'dir. Verdigi bonus damage cok yuksektir. Incapacitating Bte'in slow'u ile birlesince cok guclu bir skill olur.
+ Tum lifesteal aura ve orb'lar ile beraber calisir. Her ne kadar hero'nun kendisinde oldugundan orb life steal kasmasakta vladimir'den gelen aura ile beraber calismasi bile gercekten skill'i mukemmel yapiyor.
+ Bu kadar guclu bir skill icin cool down'u cok dusuk. mana cost'u da gercekten cok komik. Skill'in calisma suresi de yeterince uzun: soyle ki ortalama bir combat maksimum 9-10 sn surer. Bu skill 12 saniye acik kaliyor.
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Purge skill'i direk siler.
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
? E hani orb effect 2 tane olmuyodu?
- Evet ben de inanamiyorum ama bu skill %70 life steal veren ve orb effect olmayan bir skill. Yani bu hero ultisi acikken sunlari kullaniyor
* Lifesteal aura (vladimir'den)
* Slow orb (Incapacitating Bite'dan)
* %70 Life steal (Insatiable Hunger'dan)
1 Spin web
2 Spawn Spiderlings
3 Spawn Spiderlings
4 Incapacitating Bite
5 Spawn Spiderlings
6 Insatiable Hunger
7 Spawn Spiderlings
8 Incapacitating Bite
9 Incapacitating Bite
10 Incapacitating Bite
11 Insatiable Hunger
12 Spin web
13 Spin web
14 Spin web
15 Stats
16 Insatiable Hunger
17-25 Stats
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
? Neden skill'leri bu sekilde dagitiyoruz
+ Spawn spiderlings'i once tercih etmemizin nedeni gerektiginde kill almak icin kullanmamiz ve creep keserken temelde spiderling'leri kullanmamiz. Oyun basinda spin web lvl-1 bize yeterli olacaktir. Incapacitating bite ise Insatiable Hunger ile beraber kullanildiginda cok iyi sonuc verir. Bu bilgiler isiginda skill dagilimini boyle kullanmamiz mantikli olacaktir. Ancak bazi oyunlarda spin web'e hic vermeyen yada lvl-1 birakip hemen stat basanlariniz olabilir. Bu da gayet akilcidirzira level atladikca gelen stat'lara sizin bastiginiz stat'lar eklenince hero gercekten cosuyor. Ancak ben gene de spin web'in regen ve MS bonusunu kullanmaktan yanayim.
Oyun basinda 2 x TangoRing of Basilus ve Slippers of Agility ile baslayin. Boylece bol bol spiderling cikarip rahatca kasabilirsiniz.
Daha sonra soyle devam edin:
x 3 +
x 3 +
x 3 --->
--->x 3
Wraith Band
+6 Agility
+3 Strength
+3 Intelligence
Tum agility hero'larina oldugu gibi Brood'a da extra damageAS ve az da olsa hp destegi olmasi icin wraith band kasiyoruz.
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz
Power Treads
+65 movement speed
+30 attack speed
+10 selected attribute
Switch Attribute (active)
Switch Attribute
Switches the attribute that receives a +10 bonus from Power Treads
Switches from Strength to IntelligenceIntelligence to Agility
and Agility to Strength
Brood icin gerekli ASMS ve dmg'i saglar. Bununla beraber gerektiginde hp saglayabilir.
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz
Vladmir's Offering
Vampiric Aura (passive)
Damage Aura (passive)
Armor Aura (passive)
Mana Regeneration Aura (passive)
Vampiric Aura
+16% Lifesteal
Only affects melee units
1100 AoE
Damage Aura
+15% damage
Bonus damage is based off of base damage and damage from attribute points
900 AoE
Armor Aura
+5 armor
Does not stack with armor auras from Assault CuirassRing of Basilius
or Vladmir's Offering
1100 AoE
Mana Regeneration Aura
+0.8 mana regeneration
1100 AoE
Incapacitating bite ile beraber calisan vladmirInsatiable hunger acikken bizi nerdeyse olumsuz kiliyor. Verdigi auralar oyunun her doneminde gercek cok ise yariyor.
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz
+30 Agility
+30 Damage
30% Evasion
+30 Attack Speed
Yukarda da hesapladigimiz uzere evasion'imizi toplam %475 yapan bir item. Verdigi dmg ve AS'de gercekten Brood'u costuruyor.
Oyun burada sona erecektir. Gerekirse;
x 2 +
Monkey King Bar
+80 damage
+15 attack speed
True Strike (passive)
Mini-Bash (passive)
True Strike
Prevents your attacks from missing (except due to exceeding Movement Buffer Range on melee units)
Interferes with some attack modifiers on ranged units
Gives a 35% chance to bash on attacks
Deals 100 bonus damage and stuns for 0.01 seconds
Oyun sonunda inventory'niz su sekilde gorunecektir:
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
? Gold acisindan gercekci bir build miyeterince kazanabilirmiyiz
+ Kabaca hesap yapalim
5--->1150 gp
---> 1850 gp
---> 2050 gp
---> 5400 gp
---> 6000 gp
16450 gp
Hero kestigimizde ortalama 250 gold kazaniriz10 kill alsak:
250 x 10 = 2500 gp
16450 - 2500 = 13950 gp
Kuleler biz yikarsak ortalama 500 goldtakima 200 gold verir. Takim 9 kulenin 7'sini yiksa
3 unu biz yiksak:
500 x 3 = 1500 gp
200 x 4 = 800 gp
1500 + 800 = 2300 gp
13950 - 2300 = 11650 gp
Oyun yaklasik 50 dakika sursesaniyede ortalama 0
875 gold kazaniyoruz:
50 x 60 = 3000 sn
3000 / 0875 = 3500 gp
11650 - 3500 = 8150 gp
Her creep ortalama 45 gp verse
8150 / 45 = 180 creep
Buriza-do Kyanon
+75 damage
Critical Strike (passive)
Critical Strike
Gives a 20% chance to deal 2.4x normal damage on an attack
Insatiable HungerButterfly ve Monkey King Bar'dan gelen dmg ile critic costurabiliriz. Kisisel tercihim budur.
Orchid Malevolence
+20 Intelligence
+30 attack speed
+40 damage
+225% mana regeneration
Soul Burn (active)
Soul Burn
Silences a target unit and amplifies the damage it takes by 20%
Amplified damage is dealt at the end of the duration as magic damage
Lasts 5 secondscosts 200 mana
has a 25 second cooldown
and a 900 cast range
Ozellikle disable rakipler varsa yapilmalidir (rhastadoctor gibi). %20 extra damage ile cok rahat kill yapmanizi saglar.
Divine Rapier
+250 damage
Drops on death
Insatiable Hunger + VladmirIncapacitating Bite
Butterfly ve Monkey King Bar ile birlesince oldurulmek gercekten cok zorlasiyor.
Assault Armor
+40 attack speed
+10 armor
Attack Speed Aura (passive)
Positive Armor Aura (passive)
Negative Armor Aura (passiveenemies)
Attack Speed Aura
+15 attack speed
900 AoE
Positive Armor Aura
+5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
Does not stack with armor auras from Assault CuirassRing of Basilius
or Vladmir's Offering
Negative Armor Aura
5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
AS aurasi ve pozitif armor aurasi yuzunden tercih edilebilir.
Black King Bar
+10 Strength
+24 damage
Avatar (active)
Gives magic immunity
Duration and cooldown decrease each time it is used
Duration is 10/9/8/7/6/5 secondsand cooldown is 80/75/70/65/60/55 seconds. After 5 uses it stays at 5 second duration and 55 second cooldown
Bu hero agir slow'u ve invis ozelligi yuzunden stun yemek konusunda rakibin ilk tercihidir. HP durumu da goz onune alindiginda BKB bize ultiyle beraber kill garantisi vericektir. Burada tekrardan ulti'nin purge ile (bkz: DiffusalStone Gaze
Unstable Current veya Satyr Trickster) kayboldugunu hatirlatalim.
+300 HP
+6 HP/sec regeneration
Damage Block (passive)
Damage Block
Gives a 70% chance to block 40 attack damage
Oyun basinda dusuk HP'den yakinanlar icin gecici bir cozumdur. Late game'de ise yaramaz bir item'dir.
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
Brood icin en onemli sey rakiplere stun atabilen veya slow cekebilen takim arkadaslaridir. Bu yuzden:
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
Invis kaldiran hero'larstunner ve nuker'lar brood icin bas belasidir: