ROOFTRELLEN - TREANT PROTECTOR Rehber - v6.61c *** TEMEL ISTATISTIKLER *** Primary: 27+34 15+2 17+18 *** DETAYLI ISTATISTIKLER *** - Affiliation: Sentinel - Attack Animation: 0.6 / 0.4 - Damage: 59 - 67 - Casting Animation: 0.5 / 0.51 - Armor: 3.1 - Base Attack Time: 1.7 - Movespeed: 300 - Missile Speed: Instant - Attack Range: 100 (melee) - Sight Range: 1800 / 1200 +++ Guclu Yonleri +++ + Cok yuksek Base Damage + Her levelda cok fazla STR artisi + Oldurulmesi cok zor + Parasiz ward (true sight) koyabilme ozelligi + Cok guclu Alana Etkili (AoE) Overgrowth + Ayni anda Support ve Tank olabilmesi --- Zayif Yonleri --- - AGI ve INT baslangic degerleri dusuktur ve her levelda az artar - Attack Speed'i (AS) cok dusukturearly game'de kill almasi zordur - Overgrowth'un cool down'u (cd) cok uzundur - Yuksek overgrowth cd yuzunden temelde item'a dayali oynaritem kasamazsa late game'de zayif kalir. *** SKILL TANITIMI *** NATURE'S DISGUISE Changes a target friendly unit's appearance so that it blends in with the forest. It becomes invisible to enemy eyesbut it must remain near a treeor the Guise is lost. -Ability Type: Active - Targeting Type: Unit - Ability Hotkey: T * Level * Mana Cost * Cooldown * Casting range * Area of Effect * Duration * Allowed Targets * Effects * 1 * 90 * 3 seconds * 300 * 375 Tree search area * 15 seconds * Allied units * Turns target allied unit invisible * 2 * 80 * 3 seconds * 300 * 375 Tree search area * 30 seconds * Allied units * Turns target allied unit invisible * 3 * 70 * 3 seconds * 300 * 375 Tree search area * 45 seconds * Allied units * Turns target allied unit invisible * 4 * 60 * 3 seconds * 300 * 375 Tree search area * 60 seconds * Allied units * Turns target allied unit invisible Notes • If the unit has a distance more than 375 to the closest treethe invisibility will be removed. • Can be used on units even if they aren't close to a treebut the invisibility will be removed almost instantly. • Treant Protector can cast spells without losing invisibility from Nature's Guise. +++ Guclu Yonleri +++ + Temel kullanimi gang icindir. stun atabilen bir takim arkadasinizla lane'de kasan rakibe invis yaklasirsiniz. arkadasiniz stun atar ve biraz vurursunuz. treant ulti atarak rakibi tekrar kitler. rakip hala olmediyse takim arkadasiniz tekrardan stun atabilecektir. + Az HP ile kacan takim arkadaslarimiza cok yardimi dokunur --- Zayif Yonleri --- - Gem veya ward varsa skill etkisiz kalir --- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar --- ? Roof invis attiginda kendisi invis durumdaysa ne olurinvis bozulur mu? + Bisey olmazinvis durumunu korumaya devam eder EYES in the FOREST Creates an enchanted tree at a target pointallowing Rooftrellen to see the tree's surrounding area at all times. Vision improves slightly per level. - Ability Type: Active - Targeting Type: Point - Ability Hotkey: E * Level * Mana Cost * Cooldown * Casting range * Area of Effect * Duration * Allowed Targets * Effects * 1 * 100 * 300 seconds * 125 * N/A * N/A * N/A * Tree Created at Melee Range * 2 * 75 * 225 seconds * 125 * N/A * N/A * N/A * Tree Created at Melee Range * 3 * 50 * 150 seconds * 125 * N/A * N/A * N/A * Tree Created at Melee Range * 4 * 25 * 75 seconds * 125 * N/A * N/A * N/A * Tree Created at Melee Range Notes • Has a fade time of 2 seconds. • Destroys trees in the AoE when placedbut will grow back after the corresponding time (even if the web is still there). • The web has a sight range of 150during both day and night. • The web does not prevent neutrals from spawning. • If more webs are spawned than allowedthe oldest one will disappear. +++ Guclu Yonleri +++ + Parasiz ward kullanimina imkan verir. + Rune kontrol saglar + Invisible rakiplerin basina dert olur + Tango ile yok edilemez --- Zayif Yonleri --- - Cool Down'u cok uzundur - quelling Blade ile yok edilebilir --- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar--- ? Bu skill'in faydali kullanimi nedir? + Oyun basinda ilk level'i bu skill'e verin. Sonra kasacaginiz lane'e uzak olan rune noktasina gidip agaci dikin. Daha sonra lane'inize gidip kasmaya baslayin. Cd bitince bu kez size yakin olan rune noktasina gidin ve agacinizi dikin. Boylece 2 rune'u da gozlemis olursunuz. LIVING ARMOR Magically creates an armor of vines around a friendly unitprotecting it from harm and healing wounds. - Ability Type: Active - Targeting Type: Unit - Ability Hotkey: V * Level * Mana Cost * Cooldown * Casting range * Area of Effect * Duration * Allowed Targets * Effects * 1 * 30 * 7 seconds * 500 * N/A * 40 seconds * Allied Units or Structures * Adds 3 armor and regenerates 1 hit point per second * 2 * 35 * 7 seconds * 500 * N/A * 40 seconds * Allied Units or Structures * Adds 6 armor and regenerates 2 hit points per second * 3 * 40 * 7 seconds * 500 * N/A * 40 seconds * Allied Units or Structures * Adds 9 armor and regenerates 3 hit points per second * 4 * 40 * 7 seconds * 500 * N/A * 40 seconds * Allied Units or Structures * Adds 12 armor and regenerates 4 hit points per second Notes • Can target structures. +++ Guclu Yonleri +++ + Roof'un en önemli skill'idir: hem armor hem regen verdiginden oyun basinda lane'de kasarken ve tum oyun boyunca cok faydalidir. Cool down'u kisaskill'in acik kalma suresi uzun oldugundan tum takima atilirtakimca cosulur. + Kuleleri korumak icin kullanilabilir --- Zayif Yonleri --- - --- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar --- ? + OVERGROWTH Summons an overgrowth of damaging vines and branches. Prevents all nearby enemies from moving or attacking and deals 85 damage per second to each. - Ability Type: Active - Targeting Type: Instant - Ability Hotkey: R * Level * Mana Cost * Cooldown * Casting range * Area of Effect * Duration * Allowed Targets * Effects * 1 * 150 * 160 seconds * N/A * 750 * 3 seconds * Enemy Units * Entangles all nearby enemy units * 2 * 175 * 160 seconds * N/A * 750 * 4 seconds * Enemy Units * Entangles all nearby enemy units * 3 * 200 * 160 seconds * N/A * 750 * 5 seconds * Enemy Units * Entangles all nearby enemy units Notes • Damage type: magical • Prevents usage of the Blink spell. • Disable works on currently magic immune unitshowever if a unit becomes magic immune while already affected by Overgrowththey will break free. +++ Guclu Yonleri +++ + Alana etkili disable skill'ler icinde en kuvvetlilerindendir. --- Zayif Yonleri --- - Cool down'u cok uzundur. --- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar --- ? Cok etkili bir skill ama cool down'u cok uzun + Bu yuzden refresher kasicaz Roof'a. Boylece bir enconter'da rakibi toplam 10 saniye kilitlemis olucaz ve 850 magical damage aticaz. ? Peki refresher yaparsak mana sorunu yasamaz miyiz? - Hesabimizi yapalim: Bu skill'i 2 kere refresher ile atmak icin gerekli mana (200 x 2 + 375) = 775 mana Roof'un Intelligence'i 17+18. Yani 10 uncu level'da 3515 inci level'da 44 intelligence ediyor. 44 x 13 = 572 mana 775 - 572 = 203 203 Mana acik kaliyor. Power treads'i intelligence yaparsaniz: 13 x 10 = 130 mana 203 - 103 = 70 mana Yapacaginiz bir null talisman 6 intelligence verecektir. 6 x 13 = 78 Yani PT nizi int kullanirbir tane de null talisman yaparsaniz comboyu yapabilirsiniz. Bu level 15 icin. Zaten refresher hemen hemen level 15 civarinda tamamlaniyor. Bundan sonra level iniz ilerledikce int geleceginden null talisman'a ihtiyac duymazsiniz. *** SKILL BUILD ve ACIKLAMALAR *** Level 1Eyes in the Forest 2Living Armor 3Living Armor 4Nature's Disguise 5Living Armor 6Overgrowth 7Living Armor 8Nature's Disguise 9Nature's Disguise 10Nature's Disguise 11-22Stats 23-25Eyes in the Forest --- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar --- ? Oyun Tarzimiz nasil olmali? + Bastan baslayalim: kasacaginiz lane'e uzak olan rune noktasina (ust lane'de kasacaksaniz alt lane'e yakin olan rune noktasi yada tam tersi) gidip Eyes in the Forest'dan gelen agacinizi dikin. Daha sonra paranizin dolmasini bekleyip hemen bir ring of health alin. Living armor ile birlesince uzun sure base'e donmeden kasmanizi saglayacaktir. Bu arada Eyes in the Forest Cool Down'u dolunca diger rune noktasina agac dikin. Ilk firsatta void stone alir perseverance'i tamamlarsiniz. Bundan sonra lane'inizde kasarken arkadaslarinizi gang'a cagirirOvergrowth ile isi bitirirsiniz. Yada kendiniz gang'e giderinvis ozelliginizi takim arkadaslarinizla beraber kullanarak rakipleri ganglersiniz. Power treads bittikten sonra Overgrowth'dan maksimum verimi alabilmek icin Mask of Madness kasin. Overgrowth acip MoM ile rakiplere dalarsiniz. Son olarak da Refresher Orb'u tamamlar2 overgrowth ile rakibi iyice doversiniz. Sayet 2 overgrowth icin mananiz yetersiz kalirsaPower Treads'i intelligence'e cevirebilirsinizgene yetmezse 1 yada 2 tane null talisman yapin. Illa gang oynayacaksiniz diye bir kural da yokturbu hero living armor sayesinde rahatlikla tank da olabilmektedir. *** ITEM BUILD ve ACIKLAMALAR *** Yukarida anlattigim uzere oyun basinda ring of health ile baslayin. Ring of Health +5 HP regeneration Oyun basinda lane'de kasarken gerekli hp regen'i saglayacaktir. Daha sonra soyle devam edin: +---> ---> Perseverance +10 damage +5 HP/sec regeneration +125% mana regeneration Oyun basinda lane'de kasarken gerekli hp regenmana regen ve ufak da olsa damage saglayacaktir. +++---> Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz ---> Power Treads +65 movement speed +30 attack speed +10 selected attribute Switch Attribute (active) Switch Attribute Switches the attribute that receives a +10 bonus from Power Treads Switches from Strength to IntelligenceIntelligence to Agilityand Agility to Strength Roof icin gerekli ASMS ve dmg'i saglar. Bununla beraber gerektiginde hpgerektiginde mana saglayabilir. +---> Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz ---> Mask of Madness Lifesteal (passive) Berserk (active) Lifesteal Gives 17% Lifesteal on attacks Orb effect Berserk Gives +75 attack speed and +15% movement speed but causes you to take 20% extra damage Extra damage is dealt at the end of the duration Lasts 12 secondscosts 25 manaand has a 25 second cooldown Overgrowth attiginizda rakibi iyice yipratmanizihatta oldurmenizi saglayacaktir. AS'si cok dusuk olan Roof'un en cok ihtiyac duydugu item'lardan biridir. ++---> ---> Refresher Orb +5 HP/sec regeneration +200% mana regeneration +40 damage Reset Cooldowns (active) Reset Cooldowns Resets the cooldowns of all your abilities and items Costs 375 manaand has a 210 second cooldown 2 kere overgrowth atmak hem takiminizi cok rahatlatacakhem de rakibi uzunca bir sure oyun disi birakacaktir. Null Talisman +6 Intelligence +3 Strength +3 Agility Refresher orb ile 2 kere ulti atabilmek icin yapiyoruz. Mana'niz yeterince arttiginda satin gitsin. Bu noktada Inventory'niz soyle gorunecektir: Roof icin neredeyse her item anlamli olabilmektedir. Bu yuzden bu 4 item'dan sonra kasacaginiz item'i secmekte ozgursunuz. Ama en cok karsilasilan bir kac tanesini buraya ekleyecegim. Bu nedenle item'lar Luxury kisminda yer alacak. --- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar --- ? Gold acisindan gercekci bir build miyeterince kazanabilirmiyiz + Kabaca hesap yapalim ---> 1850 gp ---> 1900 gp ---> 5300 gp ----------- 9050 gp Hero kestigimizde ortalama 250 gold kazaniriz5 kill alsak: 250 x 5 = 1250 gp 9050 - 1250 = 7800 gp Kuleler biz yikarsak ortalama 500 goldtakima 200 gold verir. Takim 9 kulenin 7'sini yiksa1 ini biz yiksak: 500 x 1 = 500 gp 200 x 6 = 1200 gp 1200 + 500 = 1700 gp 7800 - 1700 = 6100 gp Oyun yaklasik 50 dakika sursesaniyede ortalama 0875 gold kazaniyoruz: 50 x 60 = 3000 sn 3000 / 0875 = 3500 gp 6100 - 3500 = 2600 gp Her creep ortalama 45 gp verse 8150 / 45 = 58 creep *** LUX ITEM'LAR ve ACIKLAMALAR *** Assault Armor +40 attack speed +10 armor Attack Speed Aura (passive) Positive Armor Aura (passive) Negative Armor Aura (passiveenemies) Attack Speed Aura +15 attack speed 900 AoE Positive Armor Aura +5 armor 900 AoE Affects buildings Does not stack with armor auras from Assault CuirassRing of Basiliusor Vladmir's Offering Negative Armor Aura 5 armor 900 AoE Affects buildings Armor'a dayali takim stratejilerinde kasilabilir. AS'ye katkisi ve Auralariyla gercekten cok isinize yarar. Heart of Tarrasque +35 strength +300 hit points Health Regeneration (passive) Health Regeneration Regenerates 1% of max health each second Does not stack with itself Roof bu item ile neredeyse olumsuz oluyor. Zaten level'da gelen str'si cok yuksekuzerine bu item'i eklerseniz oldurulmeniz gercekten cok zorlasir Blade Mail +22 damage +5 armor +10 Intelligence Damage Return (active) MortredGondarTroll WarlordVoid gibi hero'lara karsi yapilabilir. Khadgar's Pipe of Insight +8 HP/sec regeneration +5 armor +30% magic resistance Barrier (active) Barrier Gives allied units within 500 range a shield that blocks 400 spell damage Lasts 8 secondscosts 100 manaand has a 60 second cooldown Does not affect units that already have a Barrier shield on them Magic immunity isteyenler icin. Karsida Huskarl yada Necrolyte gibi hero'lar varsa gerekli olacaktir. Radiance +60 damage Burn Damage (passive) Burn Damage Deals 40 damage per second in a 650 AoE Pek cok pub oyunda gormeye alistigimiz bir item. Gayet faydalidir. Ancakfikrimce late game'den sonra cok ise yaramaz. Butterfly +30 Agility +30 Damage 30% Evasion +30 Attack Speed STR gain'den gelen damage'imizi daha guzel kullanabimek icin AS saglayacaktir. Necromicon +15/21/24 Intelligence +6/10/14 Strength Demonic Summoning (active) Buy recipe to upgrade (3 levels) Demonic Summoning - Summons a Necronomicon Warrior and a Necronomicon Archer to fight for youtheir strength and abilities are dependant on the Necronomicon's level - Lasts 35 secondscosts 50 manaand has a 90 second cooldown - Necronomicon Warrior has 25/50/75 mana Feedbacklevel 3 Necronomicon Warrior has a 1000 AoE True Sight - Necronomicon Archer 125/175/225 mana Mana Burnand a +3%/+6%/+9% movement and attack speed aura with 400 AoE Overgrowth suresince necromicon ile mukemmel isler yapabilirsiniz. --- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar --- *** FAYDALI TAKIM ARKADAŞLARI *** Alana etkili skill (AoE) atabilen takim arkadaslari basta olmak uzereasagida gosterilen hero'lar takim arkadasi olarak faydali olabilecektir: --- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar --- *** ZARAR VERECEK RAKIPLER *** Asagidaki hero'lar size oyunun belli basli kisimlarinda sorun cikarabilir: