Rehber - v6.61b
- Affiliation: Neutral
- Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.5
- Damage: 46 - 52
- Casting Animation: 0 / 0.51
- Armor: 4.7
- Base Attack Time: 1.7
- Movespeed: 290
- Missile Speed: Instant
- Attack Range: 125 (melee)
- Sight Range: 1800 / 800
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Oyun boyu temel ozelligini (tank) kaybetmez
+ Item'dan çok Skill ile onplandadir
+ Ortalama ustunde HpRegen ve Armor'a sahiptir
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Oyun boyu Mana kitligi ceker
- Oyun basinda kill almasi zordur
Breathes fire at enemy unitsdealing damage.
- Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Target Point
- Ability Hotkey: F
* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects
* 1
* 100
* 12 seconds
* 500
* 50 (Starting AoE) / 500 (Distance) / 250 (Final AoE)
* N/A
* Enemy Units
* 75 damage
* 2
* 110
* 12 seconds
* 500
* 50 (Starting AoE) / 500 (Distance) / 250 (Final AoE)
* N/A
* Enemy Units
* 150 damage
* 3
* 120
* 12 seconds
* 500
* 50 (Starting AoE) / 500 (Distance) / 250 (Final AoE)
* N/A
* Enemy Units
* 225 damage
* 4
* 130
* 12 seconds
* 500
* 50 (Starting AoE) / 500 (Distance) / 250 (Final AoE)
* N/A
* Enemy Units
* 300 damage
• Damage type: magical
• This skill affects mechanical units.
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Alana vurdugundan verimli bir skill'dir. Rahat creep kestirir (Farming)
+ Stun ile beraber kill almaniza katki saglar
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Mana sorunu yasamamiza yol acar
- Late game'de etkisizdir
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
Davion bashes a melee-range enemy target with the fury of a dragon's tail swipe. Stuns the target and deals minor damage.
- Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Unit
- Ability Hotkey: T
* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects
* 1
* 100
* 9 Seconds
* 150
* N/A
* 2.5 Seconds
* Enemy Units
* 25 Damage and Stun
* 2
* 100
* 9 Seconds
* 150
* N/A
* 2.75 Seconds
* Enemy Units
* 50 Damage and Stun
* 3
* 100
* 9 Seconds
* 150
* N/A
* 3 Seconds
* Enemy Units
* 75 Damage and Stun
* 4
* 100
* 9 Seconds
* 150
* N/A
* 3.25 Seconds
* Enemy Units
* 100 Damage and Stun
• Damage type: magical
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Level'a bagli gelisen stun suresi fayda saglar
+ Late game'de Frost Breathe ile daha etkilidir
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Mana sorunu yaratir
- Range'i kisadirrakibe yaklasmadan kullanilamaz
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar---
Grants Dragon Knight blood from his ancient ancestral dragon heritagewhich increases health regeneration and armor.
- Ability Type: Passive
- Targeting Type: N/A
- Ability Hotkey: D
* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects
* 1
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* Permanently
* Self
* Increases HP Regen by 1 HP/sec and Armor by 2
* 2
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* Permanently
* Self
* Increases HP Regen by 2 HP/sec and Armor by 4
* 3
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* Permanently
* Self
* Increases HP Regen by 3 HP/sec and Armor by 6
* 4
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* Permanently
* Self
* Increases HP Regen by 4 HP/sec and Armor by 8
• The armor upgrade will be displayed as base armor and not in green numbers.
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Pasif oldugundan mana sorunu yasatmaz
+ Oyun basinda regen ve armor ile rahat kasmamizi saglar
+ Oyun boyu tank ozelligimizi korumamizi saglar
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Late game'de desteklenmezse regen ve armor etkisiz kalir
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
Transforms the Dragon Knight into a powerful elder dragon.
- Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Instant
- Ability Hotkey: R
* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects
* 1
* 50
* 115 seconds
* N/A
* N/A
* 60 seconds
* Self
* Transform into a Green Dragon
* 2
* 50
* 115 seconds
* N/A
* N/A
* 60 seconds
* Self
* Transform into a Red Dragon
* 3
* 50
* 115 seconds
* N/A
* N/A
* 60 seconds
* Self
* Transform into a Blue Dragon
• The Level 1 Elder Dragon is a Green Dragon that has 315 base movespeed500 attack range
0.5 attack animation (0.4 backswing) and has the skill:Corrosive Breath
• Corrosive Breath takes 20 damage per second and duration 5 seconds.
• Corrosive Breath Damage type: magical
• Corrosive Breath works on structures.
• The Level 2 Elder Dragon is a Red Dragon that has 315 base movespeed5 bonus base damage
500 attack range
0.5 attack animation (0.4 backswing) and has Splash Attack. The Splash deals 100% damage in a 75 AOE
75% damage in a 150 AOE
50% damage in a 250 AOE.
• The Level 3 Elder Dragon is a Blue Dragon that has 315 base movespeed14 bonus base damage
500 attack range
0.5 attack animation (0.4 backswing) and has Splash Attack (same as lvl 2) and has the skill: Frost Breath.
• Frost Breath slows units for 30% movement speed and 20% attack speedlasting 3 seconds.
+++ Guclu Yonleri +++
+ Binalara extra damage (bulldoser)splash damage (battlefury'niz varmis gibi) ve Frost Breathe(eye of skadi'niz varmis gibi) ile takimdaki rolunuzu gelistirir
--- Zayif Yonleri ---
- Mana sorunu yasatir
- Sure / cool down; verimli kullanilmazsa late game'de etkisini kaybeder (60 / 115 saniye)
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
? Frost Breathe ile Lifesteal beraber calisir mi?
+ Evet. Dragon form'undayken frost ile lifesteal'i beraber kullanabilirsiniz
1 Dragon Blood
2 Dragon Tail
3 Dragon Tail
4 Dragon Blood
5 Dragon Tail
6 Elder Dragon Form
7 Dragon Tail
8 Dragon Blood
9 Dragon Blood
10 Breathe Fire
11 Elder Dragon Form
12 Breathe Fire
13 Breathe Fire
14 Breathe Fire
15 Stats
16 Elder Dragon Form
17-25 Stats
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
? Skill point'leri neden bu sekilde dagitiyoruz
+ Knight Davion oyundaki en iyi tanklardan biri olarak bilinir. Dahasi bu ozelligini oyun boyu surdurur ve Elder Dragon Form sayesinde gelistirir. Bize oyun basindan sonuna kadar gerekli olacak HPRegen ve Armor gibi stat'lari elde etmemiz icin skill build'imizi boyle sekillendiriyoruz. Oyun basinda stun ile fazla ilgimiz olmayacagindan bize armor ve regen saglayan Dragon Blood ile basliyoruz. Ancak daha sonra gang'lerde kullanmak uzere Dragon Tail'i erken full'lememiz gerekiyor. Breathe Fire mana sorunu yaratacagindan onu ilerki level'lerde kullanmamiz daha dogru olacaktir. Elder Dragon Form ise ozellikle oyun basinda lane'de kasarken ve kule yikiminda cok ise yarayan bir skill.
+10 damage
+5 HP/sec regeneration
+125% mana regeneration
Oyun basinda alacagimiz Ring of HealthDragon Blood'dan regen ile early game'de base'e gitmeden rahatca kasmamiza yetecek Regen'i saglar. Void Stone ile de sorun cekecegimiz mana regen'e katkida bulunmus oluruz
+6 Strength
+3 Agility
+3 Intelligence
Tank oynayacagimizdan gerekli str ve hp destegini oyun basi icin bize saglar. Gerekirse 3 tane de yapabilirbirini satarsniniz.
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz
Power Treads
+65 movement speed
+30 attack speed
+10 selected attribute
Switch Attribute (active)
Verdigi str bonusu ile daha fazla hp elde edecekMovement Speed(MS) ile stunu daha rahat kullanabilecek
Attack Speed(AS) ile de dragon formda daha fazla attack yapabileceksiniz.
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz
Helm of Dominator
+20 damage
+5 armor
Lifesteal (passive)
Dominate (active)
Gives 15% Lifesteal on attacks
Orb effect
Brings the target non-hero non-ancient unit under your control
Dominated unit lasts for 20 minutesafter which it dies
Dominated unit is not able to block other units from moving
Spells last the same duration on Dominated units as they would on a hero
Costs 75 manahas a 300 second cooldown
and a 700 cast range
Bu item ile orb effect hakkimizi kullaniyoruz. Tank oldugumuz ve Frost Breathe ile beraber calistigindan ideal denebilir. Damage ve armor vermesi Knight Davion'a cok yariyor. Bununla beraber yaniniza neutral creep'de alabilirsiniz. Tercihen troll (heal atsin diye) yada centaur (stun icin) alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz. Ilerde satanic'e cevirilebilir.
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz
Heart of Tarrasque
+35 strength
+300 hit points
Health Regeneration (passive)
Health Regeneration
Regenerates 1% of max health each second
Does not stack with itself
Strength hero'lari icin vazgecilmez item. Oncelikle damage'inizi ve hp'nizi beraber arttiriyor (+35 dmg yaninda 965 hp = 300 + 35 x 19) 1 dakika 40 saniyede caninizi fullemesi de cabasi.
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuzartik perseverance'imizi gelistirelim
Linken's Sphere
+6 HP/sec regeneration
+150% mana regeneration
+15 Strength
+15 Agility
+15 Intelligence
Blocks most targeted spells once every 20 seconds
Gerek block ozelligigerekse verdigi statlarla Davion icin cok uygun bir item. Tank hero'lar carpismalara en onde girdiginden cogu skill onlara atilir. Linken cok isinize yarayacaktir.
Oyun genelde bu durumda sona erecektir. Gerekirse![]()
+25 Strength
+20 damage
+5 armor
Lifesteal (passive)
Unholy Rage (active)
Gives 25% Lifesteal on attacks
Orb effect
Unholy Rage
Gives +150% Lifesteal for 3.5 seconds
Has a 50 second cooldown
Oyun sonunda inventory'niz su sekilde gorunecektir:
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
? Neden hakkimizi lifesteal orb'dan yana kullaniyoruz
+ Temelde tank olmamizyan olarak frost breathe yuzunden.
? Gold acisindan gercekci bir build miyeterince kazanabilirmiyiz
+ Kabaca hesap yapalim
---> 1850 gp
---> 5175 gp
---> 5500 gp
---> 6150 gp
19695 gp
Hero kestigimizde ortalama 250 gold kazaniriz10 kill alsak:
250 x 10 = 2500 gp
19695 - 2500 = 17195 gp
Kuleler biz yikarsak ortalama 500 goldtakima 200 gold verir. Takim 9 kulenin 7'sini yiksa
3 unu biz yiksak:
500 x 3 = 1500 gp
200 x 4 = 800 gp
1500 + 800 = 2300 gp
17195 - 2300 = 14895 gp
Oyun yaklasik 50 dakika sursesaniyede ortalama 0
875 gold kazaniyoruz:
50 x 60 = 3000 sn
3000 / 0875 = 3500 gp
14895 - 3500 = 11395 gp
Her creep ortalama 45 gp verse
11395 / 45 = 254 creep
Bu hesaplar incelendiginde ortalama iyi oynandiginda bu kadar item'n kasilmasi normal gorunuyor. Breathe Fire ve splash goz onune alindiginda buna inanacaksiniz.
+65 damage
+6 HP/sec regeneration
+150% mana regeneration
Cleave (passive)
35% Cleave on attack
225 AoE
Cleave does not work on ranged units
Para kasmak icin yapilabilir. Ama Davion kendisinde splash olan bir heroo yuzden perseverance ile linken sphere yapmak daha faydali olabilir. Bosuna para harcamayin
Assault Armor
+40 attack speed
+10 armor
Attack Speed Aura (passive)
Positive Armor Aura (passive)
Negative Armor Aura (passiveenemies)
Attack Speed Aura
+15 attack speed
900 AoE
Positive Armor Aura
+5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
Does not stack with armor auras from Assault CuirassRing of Basilius
or Vladmir's Offering
Negative Armor Aura
5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
Bence Assault Davion'i damage anlaminda fazla gelistirmiyor. Ancak karsinizda Dazzle - Shadow priest gibi hero'lar varsa gozonunde bulundurun.
Black King Bar
+10 Strength
+24 damage
Avatar (active)
Gives magic immunity
Duration and cooldown decrease each time it is used
Duration is 10/9/8/7/6/5 secondsand cooldown is 80/75/70/65/60/55 seconds. After 5 uses it stays at 5 second duration and 55 second cooldown
Pek cok stunner tank icin yapilan bir item. Karsinizda Troll Warlord varsa ozellikle tavsiye ederim.
Armlet of Mordiggian
+9 damage
+15 attack speed
+5 armor
+3 HP regeneration
Unholy Strength (active)
Can only carry one
Unholy Strength
Gives +31 damage+10 attack speed
and +25 Strength while active
but drains 35 HP per second
Activating has a 10 second cooldown
You cannot die from the 35 HP loss per secondnor from the health loss when deactivating
Yapanlar damage icin faydasini goruyolar ama bence Heart of Tarasque daha verimli oluyor.
Khadgar's Pipe on Insight
+8 HP/sec regeneration
+5 armor
+30% magic resistance
Barrier (active)
Gives allied units within 500 range a shield that blocks 400 spell damage
Lasts 8 secondscosts 100 mana
and has a 60 second cooldown
Does not affect units that already have a Barrier shield on them
Rakip disable - nuker tarzi sectiyse vazgecilmez bir item. Barrier cok isinize yarar.
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
Takim oyununda sizi tank olarak onune alip assist kill yapabilecek damage per secon (DPS) hero'lari ile healer tum hero'lar faydalidir.
DPS olarak:
Healer olarak:
--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---
Temelde stun ve disable hero'lar Davion'i yuksek HP'sine ragmen zorlar. Bununla beraber agir nuker'lar ve intelligence'a dayali hero'lar ile mana ceken herolar da sorun yaratir