  Nevermore - Shadow Fiend


Rehber - v6.61c





- Affiliation: Scourge
- Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.54
- Damage: 35 - 41
- Casting Animation: 0.67 / 0.4
- Armor: 1.9
- Base Attack Time: 1.7
- Movespeed: 300
- Missile Speed: 1200
- Attack Range: 500
- Sight Range: 1800 / 800

+++ Guclu Yonleri +++

+ Cok yuksek hero damage (dmg)
+ Alana etkili (AoE) cok yuksek dmg vuran skill ve ulti
+ Deny ve creep kill'e dayali saglam Lane kontrolü
+ Oyunun tum zamanlarinda fear ile damage per second sinerjisi ile korkutucu olmasi

--- Zayif Yonleri ---

- Kacis mekanizmasi eksikligi (lothar bagimli)
- Late game'de item build'e bagimli olmasi
- Stun-Disable olmadigindan gang yediginde yada gang attiginda kacan herolara etkisiz kalmasi
- Encounter'larda rakibin ilk hedefi olmasi 
- Dusuk hp


Gives the Shadow Fiend the power to desecrate regions in front of him at varying distances. 

- Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Instant
- Ability Hotkey: Z / X / C

* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects

* 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
* 75
* 10
* 200 / 450 / 700 - Z / X / C
* 275
* N/A
* Enemy Units
* Gains three skills - 75 / 150 / 225 / 450 Damage


• Damage type: magical
• When Shadow Raze is learned, three independent skills will be given to Nevermore, each one generating a Shadow Raze at a specific distance in front of him.

+++ Guclu Yonleri +++

+ AoE bir skilldir, Lane'de rakipleri iyi yipratir, encounterlarda tum rakipleri bezdirir
+ 3 kez atilabildiginden yuksek dmg potansiyeli olmasi

--- Zayif Yonleri ---

- Mana yetersizligi yaratmasi
- Vurulan alanin kontrol etme zorlugu: bilmeyenler icin oldukca kullanissizdir.

--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---

? Shadowraze'i maksimum verimle nasil kullanabiliriz
+ Atis teknigi basittir: rakip hero'nun arkasindaki alana tiklayin. Nevermore yurumeye baslar; dogru uzakliga gelince z x c tuslariyla skill atarsiniz. Rakip genelde geri kacacagindan once z ile atilacak mesafeye(en yakin:200) gelmeyi yegleyin. rakip kacarken x, uzaklasinca da c'ye basarsiniz. AoE oldugundan rakibin yerini tam tutturmaniza gerek yoktur.

Whenever the Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul inside of him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his own death releases half of them from bondage.

- Ability Type: Passive
- Targeting Type: N/A
- Ability Hotkey: N

* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects

* 1
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* Any unit
* 16 damage limit

* 2
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* Any unit
* 32 damage limit

* 3
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* Any unit
* 46 damage limit

* 4
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* Any unit
* 60 damage limit


• Heroes, denies and neutral creeps also provide Bonus damage through Necromastery.
• The more souls Nevermore has, the more powerful Requiem of Souls will be.

+++ Guclu Yonleri +++

+ Creep kill ve Deny icin birebir skill'dir. Oyun basinda Lane'de rahatca kasmanizi saglar.
+ Pasif skill'dir: manasiz kullanilan cogu skill cok iyidir ve oyun basinda Lane'de kasarken aktive edilirse daha cok kasilabilir

--- Zayif Yonleri ---

- Oldugunuzde mevcut soul'larin yarisi gider. Tekrardan bu soul'lari toplamazsaniz damage'iniz dusuk kalir. Tavsiyem NC'de cobold tuneller'lari oldurmeniz; kalabalik bir grup olduklarindan hizla soul toplarsiniz

--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar---

The presence of such a horrible creature terrifies nearby enemies, reducing their armor. 

- Ability Type: Passive
- Targeting Type: N/A
- Ability Hotkey: P

* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects

* 1
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* 900
* N/A
* Enemy units
* 2 armor reduction

* 2
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* 900
* N/A
* Enemy units
* 3 armor reduction

* 3
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* 900
* N/A
* Enemy units
* 4 armor reduction

* 4
* N/A
* N/A
* N/A
* 900
* N/A
* Enemy units
* 5 armor reduction


• Fully stacks with other armor reduction abilities and auras.

+++ Guclu Yonleri +++

+ Pasif skill oldugundan gayet gucludur. Ayrica assault armor ve styglian desolator ile stack ettiginden team play'e cok katkisi olur

+ Nevermore dps hero'su oldugundan gercekten onemli bir skill'dir. Attiginiz dmg rakibin armor'u dusukken gercekten cok can yakar

--- Zayif Yonleri ---

- Late game'de ve Very Late game'de etkisizdir. Rakibin armor'u cok yuksek olacagindan -5 armor cok bisey ifade etmez

--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---

Summons evil spirits around you dealing damage to units in the area. Number of spirits is related to the number of souls stored and the movement/damage reduction is related to the distance from the Shadow Fiend. Lowers movement speed and damage of nearby units. The closer the units are the greater the effect.

- Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Instant
- Ability Hotkey: R

* Level
* Mana Cost
* Cooldown
* Casting range
* Area of Effect
* Duration
* Allowed Targets
* Effects

* 1
* 150
* 120 seconds
* N/A
* 1300
* 2 seconds
* Enemy units
* 80 damage for each line, 15% reduction

* 2
* 175
* 110 seconds
* N/A
* 1325
* 2 seconds
* Enemy units
* 120 damage for each line, 20% reduction

* 3
* 200
* 100 seconds
* N/A
* 1350
* 2 seconds
* Enemy units
* 160 damage for each line, 25% reduction


• Damage type: magical
• The amount of damage dealt is related to the number of souls captured with Necromastery.
• Requiem of Souls generates damaging lines around Nevermore, 1 per 2 souls stored, for a maximum of 15 lines.
• The closer the targeted unit is, the bigger the amount of lines affecting him.
• Reduces both movement speed and attack damage of units in a 700 AoE.
• This skill breaks invisibility a short time before it's released.

+++ Guclu Yonleri +++

+ Oyunda en fazla dmg veren skillerdendir. Dogru yerde atildiginda rakipleri hem cok yipratir hem de attack speed (AS) ve movement speed (MS)'lerini dusurur. 
+ AoE skill oldugundan tum rakiplere yuksek dmg verir.

--- Zayif Yonleri ---

- Kullanimi risklidir; guclu kullanimi icin rakip hero'larin arasina girmeniz gerekir. Bu da cok miktarda dmg yemenize yol acar.

- Yeterince Soul biriktirmediyseniz az dmg verir. Bu yuzden her an kullanimi mumkun yada dogru olmayabilir.

--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---


1 Necromastery
2 Shadowraze
3 Shadowraze
4 Necromastery
5 Shadowraze
6 Requiem of Souls
7 Shadowraze
8 Necromastery
9 Necromastery
10 Presence of the Dark Lord
11 Requiem of Souls
12 Presence of the Dark Lord
13 Presence of the Dark Lord
14 Presence of the Dark Lord
15 Stats
16 Requiem of Souls
17-25 Stats

--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---

? Neden skill'leri bu sekilde dagitiyoruz

+ Necromastery'i once tercih etmemizin sebebi hemen soul toplamaya baslamak istememiz. Bu bze creep keserken ve deny'larken kolaylik saglar. Level 1'de shadowraze zaten cok fazla dmg vermiyor. o yuzden diger 2 level'da shadowraze'e verip rakibi rahatsiz etmek daha akillica bir secim. Presence of dark lord ozellikle mid game'de bol kill almamizi saglayacak. Requiem ise item build'imizle birlestiginde bolca kill ve asist yapmamiza yardim edecek.


Oyun basinda 2 x Slipper of Agility, 2 x Circlet of Nobility ve 2 x Tango alin. Inventory'niz:

 x 2
 x 2
 x 2

Daha sonra soyle devam edersiniz:

 x 3 +  x 3 +  x 3 --->

--->  x 3
Wraith Band
+6 Agility
+3 Strength
+3 Intelligence

Tum DPS hero'larina oldugu gibi Nevermore'a da extra damage, AS ve az da olsa hp destegi olmasi icin wraith band kasiyoruz. 

 +  +  +  --->
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz

Power Treads
+65 movement speed
+30 attack speed
+10 selected attribute
Switch Attribute (active)

Switch Attribute
Switches the attribute that receives a +10 bonus from Power Treads
Switches from Strength to Intelligence, Intelligence to Agility, and Agility to Strength

DPS hero'su icin gerekli AS, MS ve dmg'i saglar. Bununla beraber gerektiginde hp saglayabilir.

 +  --->
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz

Helm of Dominator
+20 damage
+5 armor
Lifesteal (passive)
Dominate (active)

Gives 15% Lifesteal on attacks
Orb effect

Brings the target non-hero non-ancient unit under your control
Dominated unit lasts for 20 minutes, after which it dies
Dominated unit is not able to block other units from moving
Spells last the same duration on Dominated units as they would on a hero
Costs 75 mana, has a 300 second cooldown, and a 700 cast range

Yuksek dmg'imizin meyvelerini lifesteal ile topluyoruz. Orb effect hakkimizi bu sekilde kullanarak encounterlar'da daha uzun sure hayatta kalabilmeyi hedefliyoruz. Gerekirse de Satanic'e cevirebilecegimizden Helm of Dominator'u tercih ediyoruz.

 +  +  --->
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz

Lothar's Edge
+38 damage
+10 attack speed
Wind Walk (active)

Wind Walk
Makes you invisible until the duration ends, or until you attack or use an ability
While invisible you move 20% faster and can move through units
Has a 0.3 second fade time
Attacking to break the invisibility will cause you to deal 125 bonus physical damage on your attack
Lasts 9 seconds, costs 75 mana, and has an 18 second cooldown

Ulti atabilmek icin rakiplere yaklasmamiz gerektigini belirtmistik. Bunun en iyi yolu wind walk. Ayrica backstab dmg'i sayesinde gang'lerde de efektif olabilirsiniz. Nevermore'un kacma mekanizmasi eksikligini de wind walk ile giderecegiz.

 +  +  --->
Burada gosterilen sirayla alirsaniz faydasini gorursunuz

The Butterfly
+30 Agility
+30 Damage
30% Evasion
+30 Attack Speed

Evasion ile defansif, %60 ekstra AS ve 60 extra damage ile cok daha olumcul olacagiz. 

Oyun genelde bu durumda sona erecektir. Gerekirse,

 +  +  --->

+25 Strength
+20 damage
+5 armor
Lifesteal (passive)
Unholy Rage (active)

Gives 25% Lifesteal on attacks
Orb effect

Unholy Rage
Gives +150% Lifesteal for 3.5 seconds
Has a 50 second cooldown

Oyun sonunda inventory'niz su sekilde gorunecektir:


--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---

? Gold acisindan gercekci bir build mi, yeterince kazanabilirmiyiz
+ Kabaca hesap yapalim
x2,5--->1150 gp
 ---> 1850 gp
 ---> 6150 gp
 ---> 3400 gp
 ---> 6000 gp
18550 gp

Hero kestigimizde ortalama 250 gold kazaniriz, 15 kill alsak:
250 x 15 = 3750 gp
18550 - 3750 = 14800 gp

Kuleler biz yikarsak ortalama 500 gold, takima 200 gold verir. Takim 9 kulenin 7'sini yiksa, 3 unu biz yiksak:
500 x 3 = 1500 gp
200 x 4 = 800 gp
1500 + 800 = 2300 gp
14800 - 2300 = 12500 gp

Oyun yaklasik 50 dakika surse, saniyede ortalama 0,875 gold kazaniyoruz:
50 x 60 = 3000 sn
3000 / 0,875 = 3500 gp
12500 - 3500 = 9000 gp

Her creep ortalama 45 gp verse
9000 / 45 = 200 creep


Monkey King Bar
+80 damage
+15 attack speed
True Strike (passive)
Mini-Bash (passive)

True Strike
Prevents your attacks from missing (except due to exceeding Movement Buffer Range on melee units)
Interferes with some attack modifiers on ranged units

Gives a 35% chance to bash on attacks
Deals 100 bonus damage and stuns for 0.01 seconds

Presence of the Dark Lord ile armor'u dusen enemy'i iyice yipratmak icin extra damage verir.

Buriza-do Kyanon
+75 damage
Critical Strike (passive)

Critical Strike
Gives a 20% chance to deal 2.4x normal damage on an attack

Dusuk armordan faydalanarak soul'lardan gelen extra dmg ile critic dmg'imizi costurabiliriz. Kisisel tercihim budur.

Manta Style
+26 Agility
+10 Strength
+10 Intelligence
+15 attack speed
+10% movement speed
Mirror Image (active)

Movespeed bonus does not stack with Yasha, Sange and Yasha, or Manta Style
Can be disassembled

Mirror Image
Creates 2 images that deal 33% damage and take 350% damage
Has a 0.1 second animation delay for which you are invulnerable
Lasts 20 seconds, costs 165 mana, and has a 50 second cooldown

%33 extra vuran 2 shadow ile dps ozelliginin dibine vururuz. Yaratacagi kaos'dan faydalanarak bolca kill alabilirsiniz.

Orchid Malevolence
+20 Intelligence
+30 attack speed
+40 damage
+225% mana regeneration
Soul Burn (active)

Soul Burn
Silences a target unit and amplifies the damage it takes by 20%
Amplified damage is dealt at the end of the duration as magic damage
Lasts 5 seconds, costs 200 mana, has a 25 second cooldown, and a 900 cast range

Ozellikle disable rakipler varsa yapilmalidir (rhasta, doctor gibi). %20 extra damage shadowraze ile cok rahat kill yapmanizi saglar.

Divine Rapier
+250 damage

Drops on death

Divine ile Satanic birlesince Nevermore'u stunlamadan oldurmek gercekten cok zorlasiyor.

Assault Armor
+40 attack speed
+10 armor
Attack Speed Aura (passive)
Positive Armor Aura (passive)
Negative Armor Aura (passive, enemies)

Attack Speed Aura
+15 attack speed
900 AoE

Positive Armor Aura
+5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings
Does not stack with armor auras from Assault Cuirass, Ring of Basilius, or Vladmir's Offering

Negative Armor Aura
5 armor
900 AoE
Affects buildings

Presence of the Dark Lord ile sinerji bir itemdir. AS aurasi ve pozitif armor aurasi da bence tercih edilebilir. 

 +  <---> 
Stygian Desolator
+60 damage
Corruption (passive)

Causes attacks to place a buff that reduces armor by 6
Buff lasts 5 seconds
Orb effect

+300 HP
+6 HP/sec regeneration
Damage Block (passive)

Damage Block
Gives a 70% chance to block 40 attack damage

Lifesteal yerine Desolator kasanlar Presence skill'inden daha fazla faydalanmak isterler. Bunun yaninda gerekli hp'yi de vanguard'dan alirlar. Bence very late game icin basarisiz bir strateji.

--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---


Tank, stunner, disable ve curse hero'lar cok uyumludur. Tanklar dps gorevimizi rahatca yapmamizi saglarken, stunnerlar ulti atarken yardimci olacak, disable curse tayfasi da yuksek dmg'imizi cok daha olumcul yapacaktir.

Tank - Stunner olarak:

Disable - Curse olarak:

--- Sorular ve Aklimiza Takilanlar ---


Nuker'lar ve disable'lar cok can yakar. Nevermore cok yuksek hp'ye sahip degildir. Bu yuzden bu hero'lardan cok canı yanacaktır.

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